BCG Blog

Benefit Consultants Group
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) increases its impact on our communities, we want to keep you updated on the steps we’re taking to protect the health and well-being of our employees while continuing to provide exceptional service to our partners as our top priorities.
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With a few years into the robo advising world, how is it working? What do sponsors need to know about how robo advising can help their employees and what do sponsors need to know about robo advisors and educating their employees.
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Women often end up with financial burdens of caring for both children and aging parents: the so-called sandwich generation. Having a financial advisor who understands the juggling act required to carry that burden may mean more than just understanding how much (or how little) money to set aside for retirement.
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Many investment advisors often find that a lack of a mental image of what an employee wants retirement to include is a roadblock towards getting employees to commit to retirement savings. Using a recent retirement can do more than help employees say goodbye: it can help some employees get a sense of what they might want their own retirement to look like.
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A recent survey shows that the once-maligned defined benefit plan is making a comeback. Is a defined benefit plan right for your organization?
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During her employment, Ms. Rizo participated in two company sponsored retirement plans subject to ERISA. Both plans’ summary plan descriptions provided very specific instructions as to how a participant designates a beneficiary. Ruiz v. Publix Super Markets
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Over the past several years, a technique for financing new business ventures using funds from an IRA or qualified plan has gained increasing popularity. The IRS has cautioned against the pitfalls of using a plan or IRA in this fashion.
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Most employees know they can defer paying income tax on money they save for retirement in a traditional 401(k) or individual retirement account until they withdraw the money from the account.
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Because of changes in philosophies regarding factors contributing to long-term shareholder value, and an overly strict interpretation of past guidance, DOL withdrew some of that guidance and restated its position on these issues.
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